- To preserve, protect, and increase awareness of the Museum’s unique collection.
- To raise awareness on the importance of preserving Ancient Egyptian heritage.
The Egyptian Museum Education Department provides a resource for all visitors to engage, interact, and respond to its collection. To achieve this, our programmes are divided into three main categories:
Heritage Craft Preserving Programmes:
Presenting Egyptian heritage crafting industries that are still being practiced today, including pottery, textile, and jewellery. This programme is targeted at adults who already practice these crafts in order to encourage possible experiments and collaborations influenced by Ancient Egyptian techniques.
Community Outreach Programmes:
The Egyptian Museum Education Department provides special programmes for schools, charities, and public libraries throughout Egypt in conjunction with the Department for Community Outreach. By bringing the Museum to students in schools, participants are able to engage with the Egyptian Museum’s collection.
School Programmes (Arabic):
For inquires please contact the Public Relations Office at the Egyptian Museum:
Phone: +20 2 25796948
Email: egyptianmuseum@moantiq.gov.eg