Scribe statue of Amenhotp son of Hepu

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Scribe statue of Amenhotp son of Hepu

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Artefact Details

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Gallery number: 12 – Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom, , reign of Amenophis III

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: Karnak

Size: H. 117 cm

Material: Granit

Seated Statue of Sennefer

Granodiorite Seated Statue of Sennefer, his Wife Senetnay and Daughter Mutnofret

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 12 – Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom Amenhotep II (ca. 1427-1400 BC) Aakheperure

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: Karnak

Size: H. 126 cm, W. 70 cm; H. 120 cm, W. 75 cm

Material: Granodiorite

Statue of Ramses III between Horus and Seth

Statue of Ramses III between Horus and Seth

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 14 – Ground Floor

Period: N/A

Dynasty: N/A

Place of discovery: N/A

Size: H. 195 cm

Material: N/A


Colossal Statue of Ramses II

Colossal Statue of Ramses II

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 48 – Ground Floor

Period: N/A

Dynasty: N/A

Place of discovery: N/A

Size: N/A

Material: N/A


Colossal Quartzite Statue of Tutankhamun

Colossal Quartzite Statue of Tutankhamun, Usurped by Ay and Horemheb

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 3 – Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom, Tutankhamun (ca. 1336-1327 BC)

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: Temple of Ay and Horemheb Royal Memorial Temples Thebes

Size: H. 300 cm, W 73 cm D/L 87 cm

Material: Quartzite

Fragment of pavement

Fragment of pavement depicting ducks in papyrus marsh

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 3 – Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom, Amenophis IV

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: Tell El-Amarna

Size: H. 100 cm W. 160 cm

Material: Plaster

Coffin of Akhenaten

Coffin of Akhenaten

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 3 – Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom

Dynasty: N/A

Place of discovery: N/A

Size: N/A

Material: N/A

Three Canopic Jars of Kiya with Human-headed Stopper

Three Canopic Jars of Kiya with Human-headed Stopper

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 3 – Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom, Tutankhamun Nebkheperure (ca. 1336-1327 BC)

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: KV 55, Amarna Cache, Valley of the Kings

Size: H 52.90 cm , Dm 23.30 cm

Material: Calcite

Limestone Relief of Akhenaten

Limestone Relief of Akhenaten, Nefertiti and Two Princesses Worshipping the Aten

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 3 – Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom, Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten (ca. 1353-1336 BC)

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: Royal Tomb Royal el-Amarna (Akhetaten) Middle Egypt

Size: H 52.00 cm W 48.00 cm D/L 8.00 cm

Material: Limestone