Head of princess, daughter of Akhenaten

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Head of princess, daughter of Akhenaten

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Artefact Details

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Gallery number: 3 – Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: Tell El-Amarna

Size: H. 21 cm

Material: Quartzite

Bust of Akhenaten, Amonhotep IV

Bust of Akhenaten, Amonhotep IV

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 3 –  Ground Floor

Period: N/A

Dynasty: N/A

Place of discovery: N/A

Size: H. 140 cm

Material: Sandstone

Statue of Queen Tiye usurped by Henntawy

Statue of Queen Tiye usurped by Henntawy

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 3 –  Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom

Dynasty: N/A

Place of discovery: Mut Temple, Karnak

Size: H. 160 cm – W. 44 cm

Material: Black granite

Colossus of Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten

Colossus of Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten in the Khat and Double Crown

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 3 –  Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom, Reign of Akhenaten (1350 – 1333 BC)

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: Karnak Temple

Size: Height: 239 cm – Width: 86 cm – Length/Depth: 52 cm

Material: Sandstone

Head from statuette of Queen Tiye

Head from statuette of Queen Tiye

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 48 –  Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: Serabit El-Khadim

Size: H. 206.5 cm – W. 110 cm

Material: Steatite

Seated Statue of Thutmose IV and His Mother, Tiaa

Seated Statue of Thutmose IV and His Mother, Tiaa

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 12 –  Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom, Thutmose IV Menkheperure (ca. 1400-1390 BC)

Dynasty: N/A

Place of discovery: South Court Karnak Temple

Size: H 111.50 cm W 68.20 cm D/L 80.70 cm

Material: Granodiorite

Statue of Amenhotep II

Statue of Amenhotep II Protected by Meretseger

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 12 –  Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: Karnak Temple, Found in 1907

Size: H. 150 cm

Material: Granodiorite

Seated statue of Queen Isis dedicated by her son King Tuthmosis III

Seated statue of Queen Isis dedicated by her son King Tuthmosis III

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 12 –  Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: Karnak Cachette

Size: H. 98.5 cm – W. 25 cm  – L. 52.5 cm

Material: Granite

Statue of Amenhotep II holding offering table

Statue of Amenhotep II holding offering table

Artefact Details

Gallery number: 12 – Ground Floor

Period: New Kingdom, reign of Amenhotep II

Dynasty: 18th Dynasty

Place of discovery: Karnak Cachette

Size: H.120 cm

Material: Granite